Saturday, October 28, 2006

On MySpace and television

I updated my MySpace profile today. Woop-dee-freakin'-doo.

My experience with MySpace has been that works as a way to keep up with musicians that I'm interested in. Otherwise, MySpace and I aren't a good fit. There's something that rankles me about asking people to be your friend and vice versa. I didn't like it in grade school and I don't like it now.

Anyway, the following pensee came out of the Interests: Television category, replaced by the names actual television shows (how lame of me, but what do you expect from a person who uses words like "pensee"?).


I would like to say a word for the Digital Video Recorder (some folks call them a Tivo). That word: amazing.

Another word would be transformative. Not that the DVR that came with our satellite television system has transformed me. The device has, however, transformed my television watching experience. Not just because you can record what you want to watch and watch it when you choose. That's all well and groovy, as is skipping over lame commercials (and watching good commercials over and over).

The amazing part is being able to pause the program, skip back and watch something over again or pick up a line of dialogue you missed. The transformative part is that I now find myself wanting to do this to the radio and even to living/speaking human beings.

I'm not sure if this is all good, but I am convinced that it is both amazing and transformative.


  1. If you like DVR for TV (which I do) I wonder if you've discovered the wonderful world of podcasting. Seriously, I haven't listened to the "radio" in months. Why should I? With podcasts, I get the content I want (i.e., decent programming) when I want it. And yes, I can skip forwrward and backword, pause and repeat.

    By the way, will you be my friend?

  2. Radio is my job so I hear a lot of "radio" just by going to work. That and I am as yet iPod-less. Even so I'm still all up in the podcast mojo. I find that the same thing happens with podcasts that happens with the DVR: I've got a huge backlog I haven't listened to yet and may, realistically speaking, never listen to. What I really need is a time machine.

  3. PS: I'll be your friend. We can braid each others hair and talk about what a total fox Scott Carson is.
