Monday, August 21, 2006

Memes, myself and I

Sterling blogger Fred over at Bullseye Rooster took up one of those web-roving questionnaires recently. The challenge: Name five weird things about you.

Fred came across the weird things challenge from several other blogs. That's how this sort of meme-ish biz works: You read two friends' blogs and they read two friends' blogs and so on and so on... (extra points for anyone who can name that shampoo ad with one Google tied behind your back).

I enjoyed Fred's list, like I enjoy most anything he writes. That said, I don't think being irritated by Philip Glass's music makes you a snob. That seems to me more a sign of mental/emotional health and saying so probably makes me a snob of some variety. Here's a weird thing about the word snob: in England (according to Merriam-Webster) it refers to a cobbler. Or is that a weird thing about the British?

Five weird things about me:
1. I enjoy spending otherwise valuable time looking up the etymology of words on the Internet.

2. In entirely arbitrary circumstances, I think that words with the letter z in them are lucky.

3. I prefer to sit just to the left of center in a movie theater. On several occasions when I've had to sit on the right side of a movie theater, I've left with a headache (even when Philip Glass hadn't composed the film score).

4. My permanent teeth all came in straight except for one lower tooth.

5. I'm a little paranoid about people knowing about things like #4, so I'm not saying which tooth it is (although I did spend a considerable amount of clicks researching the exact name of said tooth and the etymology of said name).

6. I resent these kinds of questionnaires but can't resist filling them out. I have the same weakness when faced with a television screen in my peripheral vision or an easy pun (see title above). And once I get going I usually end up with more responses than the exercise requires.

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