Monday, May 29, 2006

Me and my English

Your Linguistic Profile::
55% General American English
15% Dixie
15% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern

Thanks to Curb Girl for this.

The results are a little skewed but so am I.

- I grew up saying "pop" but have since taken to calling sweet carbonated beverages "soda".

- I've never pronounced "aunt" to sound like "ant" although that is the prevailing pronounciation where I grew up (and I took much ribbing on account of it).

- I think of "the sweet spread on top of cake" as frosting, but the I'd never swap it out in the expression/cliche, "...the icing on the cake."

- I never called an easy class a crip course, a gut, or a blow off. I called it an easy class (and believe me, there weren't that many). When I moved to Missouri for college, I noticed that people referred to low-level classes as "bonehead" classes.

- "Y'all" doesn't trip off my tongue, but I think that English is much in need of a second-person plural.

- I suspect my 5% Yankee is just pretentiousness.

- Finally, what does "Midwestern" sound like?


  1. "Y'all" is a perfectly serviceable 2nd person plural. As is "youse guys." Unfortunately, regionalisms are stereotyped as ignorant. I think most of us simply get by with "you guys". If we begin writing it "youguys" or "uguys", maybe it would catch on.

  2. I "wersh" my hands. Our nation's capitol is "Wershington" D.C.
