Sometimes it's the little things.
We just spent six months camping out in a rented place in Oak Park. It was less than half the size of our place in Kansas City but had a full basement. The idea was to put most of our stuff down there and unpack minimally so as not to get too comfortable there while we learned our way around Chicago. The plan worked, almost too well. (I'd forgotten how much I hate camping.)
So now, more than six months after packing them, most of the boxes are coming open and it's like Christmas everyday. Pictured above is some of the beloved crap that will once again clutter my workspace:
- A rubber Snoopy, prone (acquired in grade school)
- A Mr Creosote action figure (when you squeeze him a green goo protrudes from his mouth)
- A weird ceramic kangaroo caddy that used to sit in my dad's office
- A rubber chicken Tootsie Pop holder (still, for some reason, in its original packaging)
- An Abe Lincoln beanie doll, purchased at Mount Rushmore
- And behind them a yard stick from Jay Egge's service shop on East Highway 38 in Sioux Falls (now the site of a Wal-Mart, I believe).